Sri Lanka Jyotisha - The first and only jyotisha astrology Web Site from Sri Lanka

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~ Sri Lanka Jyotisha ~
 All rights reserved.


Astrology vedic

. Sri Lanka Jyotisha - The first and the only "Jyotisha" Astrology web site from Sri Lanka. Get your free horoscope reading now ! Click the free reading link !!

Dear visitor, We really welcome people from all over the world with diverse backgrounds.

While the site is dedicated for Sri Lankans living abroad who find it hard to get proper astrological guidance's in line with established Sri Lankan traditions,

This site serves all those who have faith in "Jyotish " the Vadic system of Astrology, practiced in Sri Lanka, Nepal, Tibet & India.


The site mainly contains free astrological resources.

The long term aim of the site is to get people interested in Eastern Astrology and show them that phenomenon called "Karma" exists and it is a real thing. In short what you reap now is what you have sown in the past and it is written in your stars

For the visitors from other cultures, this site offers a good insight in to customs and traditions of Sri Lanka





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5593Visitors since  1/07/2003

Copyright © 2001 Sri Lanka Jyotisha . All rights reserved. 


Linking to this site is warmly welcome. If you give me a link and let me know, I will gladly give you a link back from this site. But, please do not copy the pages of this site and place it in yours without my permission. It is wrong. New Copyright regulations under Sri Lankan law, which is inline with the international regulations and treaties signed by the Sri Lankan Government  is  the following and it is very strict:

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pYk`Xn nWwQy ul~lAGny krn avs~}`vl @m@wk~ p#vwQ qVRvm vR@y~ r#pQyl~ 20,000 k qdyk~ @h`~ hymsk sQrqVRvmk~ @h`~ em qVRvm| @qkmyQ. nv pnw~ @ktRm|pwt anRv qd mRql r#pQyl~ pn~lk;y qk~v` v#dQ kr a#w. em qd mRqlt amwrv hy msk sQr qVRvmk~ q p#mQN vQy h#kQy.

Lakshman Abeykoon M. Sc. (Moscow University) Grad. Certificate. (Melbourne University) Graduate Diploma in Library & Information Services Management (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology - Australia)
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