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Building a New house or the First occupation of a new house

It is an important event in a life of a person or a family. An auspicious moment is selected according to the place where the house is situated and the times of births of the family members. Certain months "Kona Masa" are considered unsuitable due to seasonal changes.

Auspicious Dates in 2002 are the following but  you need to consult a good astrologer to check which days are the best suited according to the times of  births of the family members and find out the auspicious moment in regard to the location of the house. If you can not find a suitable astrologer locally, then you can  consult this site. For more information about  what is an auspicious day and what is an auspicious time please click here.   

Auspicious Dates - For start Building-  2002

Mar. 15
Mar. 21
May  22
May  24
July  25
Oct. 02
Nov. 22

Auspicious Dates - For first occupation of a building -  2002

Feb. 25
Mar. 15
Mar. 20
Mar. 21
Apr. 04
Apr. 18
May  22
May  24
Oct. 02
Nov. 22