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Calculate your Rising Sign

 - Lagna - 

In 2 to 5 steps

And Get the Free Reading  Here


Rising Sign Lagna

To Find out your Lagna & get a Free Reading :

Just Fill the Form Below and Press Calculate Button.


Step 1

Enter your Date of Birth here:

Day: Month: Year:

Now Please follow instructions Below


Enter - Birth Time :  :
Use 24 hour clock ex. 1.05 pm = 13.05) 

                                                        Step 3

Time Zone

Default is  for Sri Lanka and India 5:30 - If you are born in Sri Lanka or India then you do not need to change time zone.

Those born in Other countries check here for the Time Zone Table) 

In simple terms, Time Zone is the time difference between the London Greenwich observatory  and your birth place, the default is Colombo and the time difference is 5 Hours and 30 Min.

Note:  Do not enter  the + or - mark in the Time Zone box. Ex. Afghanistan,  TZ = + 4 : 30 Enter only 4 in first box and 30 in other, No need to enter + sign. 

The Help File with examples is Here


Enter  - Time Zone : :  
Default is  for Sri Lanka and India 5:30   


 Click later 
If interested in manually prepared  more detailed readings

The reading you are getting now is an  accurate but an automated reading

Step 4

DST - Only check, if Born at a Period of Day light Saving Time

Check only if Born in a country  at a time when Daylight Saving Time was in force at birth like, from end of October to end of March in Australia {Southern Summer} or From Early April to Late October in UK or USA {Northern Summer} , then Click the box here, otherwise leave blank

Check - DST       


                                 Step 5

Enter - GPS coordinates for
City of Birth 

The preset Longitude and latitude coordinates are for Colombo Sri Lanka

Longitude: :      


To find Coordinates for other Cities in the world click here

Also in Google Earth you can search for your birth city. GPS coordinates are at the bottom of the map, like this:

How to fill :
City of Birth 

The preset Longitude and latitude coordinates are for Colombo Sri Lanka

Situated at 79:52 East, therefore East box is checked .

And Latitude is  6:51 North (Because it is in Northern Latitude the south box is not checked) .  

Born in USA, UK , Europe or Australia ? 

Find it hard to Fill the Latitude Longitude and DST Boxes ? The Help File with examples is Here. Pl read it before filling




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Calculated results:

Julian Day:


Lagna (Ascendant)




